Monday, July 12, 2010

Something Fishy Here.

Fans, assuming there are any, will recognize this as a Kartoon Makeover. I used the same picture before to comment on a beached whale and suchi. This time it's a new subject, and some added color. We are now at about day 89 or 90 of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Today the coast guard coordinator, Thad Allen, announced that he had about 500 "skimmer" ships at the ready to collect the oil. Very nice. After three months of watching the BP oil leak hemorrhage into the Gulf of Mexico, the Obama team now thinks it's okay to use the skimmer ships and other resources that the rest of the world was offering us on day 3 of this catastrophe. Well, credit where it's due; Obama did not let this crisis go to waste. It gave him a platform to drone on about his green agenda, big business, nasty oil companies, and whatever other idealogic chum he feels like spewing.

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