This is the early days of President Obama's administration. He claimed he would be a post racial president, whatever that is, but in fact didn't act much differently than other famous race hustlers such as Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson. indeed, he even introduced us to a new one, a Harvard Professor. One thing that is different is that he has surrogates to do his bidding for him. Indeed, even unsolicited I am sure; simply inspired. He just calls the play, and the games begin. Since there is nothing new, and not many new players since the 1970's, it really just comes off as boorish. I think one surprise was that Bill Cosby was even drawn in this time. In the past, Mr. Cosby has been very objective on this subject.
However; the real shame here is that President Obama had everyone's ear at the beginning of his presidency, and offered the promise of an intelligent and open conversation on the topic of race. Sadly, all he had to offer was the tired old conversation of...I'll call you a racist, and you'll say mea culpa, massa. It also reminds me of the board game, Othello. Just because one turns the board around to change who goes first, it doesn't change the way the game is played.
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