This is fairly self explanatory. The president and the Democrat Party were handed a stunning defeat in the 2010 mid-term election. Over sixty seats were lost to the GOP in the Congress. In addition, hundreds of elective offices were lost at the state level. This was a direct result of Mr. Obama, and the Democrat controlled congress' attempt to socialize the country. While they did have some success with their attempt, e.g., health care, and taking over some private industry or companies such as General Motors; this election sent a message that the general population was not in favor of the direction that Mr. Obama was taking the country. What is amazing is that the idealogues didn't get the message. Some of them actually say it is because he did not go far enough. Hopefully they will maintain their delusional thinking so that in 2012 we may rid ourselves of the Mr. Obama and the rest of his merry band of parasites.