Well, this is blunt; but sometimes I get tired of dancing around an issue with carefully picked descriptions. Mr. Obama socialized health care, stated that he wants to "spread around" the fruits of other people's labor, and numerous other phrases and examples that demonized private initiative, and praised the collective approach to government, and governing. So far, he has stayed just short of outright professing that he would prefer the communist form of government. Instead, as in this Kartune, he just keeps laying down single pieces to be blended later. Of course he has a right to believe as he sees fit; and since he was elected by the majority of the people, he has a right to govern as he pleases. However, I also have the right to identify and describe his belief system as I see it. Ever since McCarthyism, and later the extreme leftist movement of the 1960's it has become politically incorrect to identify anyone as a communist, regardless of how overtly they profess that doctrine. We have danced around the issue by using the word statist, and socialist, and collectivist. Well, if it has feathers, and walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a communist.