The Global Warming, (oops, facts got in the way of that phrase).....The "Man Made" Climate Change debate got me to thinking about times when people wanted to drive other pet projects, for example, when ABC, via Connie Chung, decided to attach an explosive to a Ford Pinto to make it explode during a newscast. This bit of pyrotechnic chicanery was necessary because ABC could not get the naughty pinto(es)? to behave according to script without manipulating them. Interestingly, we are now seeing an all out assault on Toyota, and I cannot help thinking, (feeling actually, I don't have any actual data as yet) that we may be experiencing the same kind of nonsense. After all, the government now owns the competition (GM), so it's important that Toyota be the bad guy. Do I really think they are the good guy? No. I just do not trust our media, their motivations, or their one sided political nature. So a real problem gets treated in a manner in which, under other circumstances, it would not. I can't help it. I never used to believe this way, but they are so far gone that it is embarrassing at times.