I guess I could have done a yellow snow Kartune here, or maybe some commentary on the 23.5 inches of global warming that fell on Philadelphia last week. Hmmm. Maybe the globe is warming because of all those blankets.... of snow.
This was during the Copenhagen Conference wherein the topic of Global Warming, or Climate Change, was being discussed by the world's limosine liberals. Okay, "limosine" liberals probably isn't completely accurate: some are in fact, private jet liberals.
Did you ever notice how instinctively dogs stretch? We need to pay more attention to them. They have great instincts about individuals, and about what is good for their own well being, ...well, except maybe for that car chasng thing.
Part of an ongoing Yoga theme. I just think Yoga, (aside from being an excellent form of exercise), provides a lot of humorous moments. I keep promising myself that I will, "take it up", but, alas, I haven't yet.
HERE'S THE PLAN. A blog of my cartoons, which hereinafter will be spelled Kartunz, because I am, after all, The KartunZ_R. These Kartunz will post under the following titles: "THEN THERE'S THAT"; "TEACHABLE MOMENTS"; "THAT'S JUST CRAZY"; "HE SAID...SHE SAID"; "LIFE in the FAST LANE"; "CHECK it OUT"; "SOUND BITES"; "THIS JUST IN", and most recently, "BABES".
HELP ME: Your feedback will be greatly appreciated on the themes, topics, drawing, point of view, or anything else about which you care to comment. Your suggestions are also welcome.
Themes and topics will cover a full spectrum, ranging from television, fitness, and supermarkets, to the presidency, congress and education. If it's on my mind, and persists, and I'm in the mood, and I have an idea, then it may find it's way to this blog.
P.S. If you click on the Kartune itself, it will expand so that it is easier to read. Click a second time, and it gets bigger still. Also, if you click on the word "comments", or the pencil icon (if you see one), then you can comment on that particular Kartune. (I think you may have to sign in to do that, but I'm not sure).
Finally, if you scroll down this column, you will see a list of these Kartunes by Topic, and by clicking on it, you will be taken directly to the KartunZ under that topic; or scroll down further, and you can access the archives, from which you can access Kartunz by title of a specific Kartune. All feedback is appreciated....may be ignored, but definitely appreciated. LOL. Keep smiling.